useful tips

Working on anything without the necessary knowledge can be tricky and put you at risk unnecessarily.

starting out - your website

Your website is a resume for your company. What most companies tend to do usually is making everything about them. While it is nice to keep talking about your company, the main focus should be about what you can do for others. Well, that is if you want your website to be a channel to generate sales instead of just traffic.

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Design & Analytics favicon Tips for Business Owners
Design & Analytics favicon Tips for Business Owners
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Design & Analytics favicon Tips for Business Owners
Design & Analytics favicon Tips for Business Owners

take ownership

A common problem that businesses face is not having ownership of online accounts that belong to your company.

Always have ownership of your domain, your hosting services…

preparing content

Preparing contents for your brand, for your website or for your marketing purposes can be a tedious job if you have no idea what to include or exclude in your collaterals. Most business owners or marketing in-charges tend to…

know your best customers

Instead of spending top dollars playing hit or miss, hoping your ads are working, it’s time to understand why the tools you’ve used for marketing should bring in more results with a little tweaks….


Typography is the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear and visually appealing to the reader.

Typography involves font style, appearance, and structure – which aims to invoke certain emotions and convey specific messages.

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