starting out

your website

Your website is a lead generator for your company. What most companies tend to do usually is making everything about them. While it is nice to keep talking about your company, the main focus should be about what you can do for others. Well, that is if you want your website to be a platform to get sales instead of just traffic.

The first 5 seconds a visitor spends on your website is where they decide – “is this visually attractive enough for me to stay?” If it is, the next thing to consider is how user friendly the website is. This depends on visual cues – where the menu is at, the flow of the website, what you’d want your visitors to see. Instead of just going on and on about you, your brand story, your mission, your vision, your history, your milestones (yes, some websites have all of these despite being a brand new company) – focus on what you can do for them to turn your visitor into a customer. 

What is the lasting impression you want to leave your potential clients with?

Your website should be able to do just that for you – providing an easily accessible platform that allows you to communicate whatever your company can do for your potential customers who are looking for the solutions that you can provide them with, even when you are asleep.

When was the last time you visited your company’s website?

something to consider

Visit your own website and pay attention to all the details in it. For every content and page that you have included, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Why did I include this content?
  2. What am I trying to tell my potential customer with this?
  3. What is the kind of impression that I am leaving my potential customer with?

For every content that is included, ensure that it is functional. Basically, know its purpose. Your website should serve its purpose – to offer your potential customers what you can give.

Your website should also entice your potential customers into buying your products or hiring you for your services, even before realising that they wanted it. When your website is able to sell for your company, your biggest worry will be how to turn down your clients without hurting their feelings.

When you think that there is room to maximise your company’s potential, drop us a message. We will be honest (and nice) while giving a free analysis of your existing website. Because we understand that your friends will always be supportive and tell you that your website is nice instead of telling you how it can be better!

Design & Analytics

110A Jalan Besar
Singapore 208830
+65 8802 1244

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a purpose greater than profit. 

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