
Preparing contents for your brand, for your website or for your marketing purposes can be a tedious job if you have no idea what to include or exclude in your collaterals. Most business owners or marketing in-charges tend to take the easy way out by including everything and anything about their businesses – with intentions of providing your prospects all the information they need.

Here’s a few pointers to why it’s advisable to segregate your contents before executing anything:

Understand what is the objective of the intended – be it a website, landing page, marketing collaterals, brochures, ads. Understand what your goal is. Brands choosing to promote XYZ luggage – a brochure giving the specs, brand information and more pictures will not entice your prospects enough to buy it from you if you do not tell them where/when/how to buy it – or to even buy it.

target audience
Many successful business owners, mentors or coaches will stress on the importance of knowing your target audience. It is that important to know your target audience. You need to know your target audience in order to find the right tone to speak to them, the right voice to call out to them.

Know your target audience by profiling them based on the spending power. For example, when you run a tuition centre for kids, your target audience is not the kids – but their parents – especially moms who generally make the decisions, express more interest in their child’s development as compared to the dads.

what to include?
Knowing what to include can be tricky if you do not know how to project your brand, your voice and your image through words. For websites, most businesses tend to chunk in as much texts – about who they are, where they came from, their brand story, how their idea started out as a toilet epiphany – things like that.

Truth is, while it can be an interesting read, your prospects do not care and this will not convince them to buy from you. These stories or informations should not be at the primary page. The first few seconds is where your prospects decide if they are keen or even remotely interested in your company. Always place yourself in your prospects’ seat and show them what you would need to see to convince yourself to even consider purchasing. Whatever that is important to your brand can still be included – but not in the main pages.

Sift through your contents and ask yourself, “why should you include this?” If you believe the answer you gave to yourself, your prospects will too. When even you can smell the bullshit story you’re spinning, your prospects will too. Include only what’s necessary to define and meet your objectives.

Always find the right people who are able to communicate effectively with your prospects. Paying for services that add values to your company will not only prevent your company from staying stagnant. It will boost sales, multiply profits and allow someone else to effectively reach the prospects and target audience you intended to reach but was never able to. As an entrepreneur, it is okay to ask for help. Even when you think you can’t afford it, if you seek to constantly better your brand, if you continuously choose to educate yourself with relevant knowledge to better yourself and your brand, eventually you WILL get it right.

These tips are relevant to start-ups, small to medium organisations. Most big brands, MNCs or franchises are established enough to sell their brand stories as part of their brand because they have already succeeded in creating familiar brands.

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